Monday, May 31, 2010

We Are All One

Coming to you on another Memorial Day weekend, hoping that everyone is enjoying what I consider the start of summer. Here's me and my sister Beth wishing you all lots of summer fun. But most importantly, I'd like to take this chance to thank all those who serve in the military -- past, present, and future. I grew up in a town that had a big military base during both World Wars and the Vietnam War. The motto for Camp Wolters was "We are all one." This could not be more true. My dad was a sergeant in the Army and the motto of his unit was "Blast Away!" On this day, along with every day, I extend my thanks to those who have given their time, hearts, and sometimes their lives for our country.


Anonymous said...

just wanna share this:


Charles Gramlich said...


Anonymous said...

I was in the military way back in the 80s and just missed Operation Urgent Fury!

Boy, beaches and all of the nutmeg I could eat! Missed that one!

Anyway, I ended up at Ft. Sheridan, a currently decommissioned Army base on Chicago's ritzy North Shore. The motto at Ft. Sheridan was "Tee-off Time is Seven AM!"

On behalf of all vets, I accept your thanks! But, of course, if you really want to thank all the lonely GIs out there, please, more cleave shots!

God Bless America!


jodi said...

Hey! It's the beautiful Texan dynamic duo. Wish I was there! Happy Memorial Day to both a ya's! xoxo