Saturday, May 15, 2010

Time And Temperature

Hey guys -- happy Saturday! Hope your weekend is a good one. I'm working on a new longer piece of prose for tomorrow, but today I leave you with two phone pictures. I remember rotary phones ever so well and still have one. Do you guys have any favorite phone memories or nostalgia? See you Sunday . . .


G. B. Miller said...

Growing up, our phone number contained the exact same digits as the local department store.

Quite frequently we would get phone calls for them, and just as frequent, we would sometimes bust their chops by being that department store.

the walking man said...

I remember how much I do not use the phone. How much I prefer the freedom of calling eye to eye so I can hear and be heard.

Tim said...

When I was young we were on a party line, so if you picked the phone up to call someone and it was being used you had to wait until they were through... or just keep listening to get the latest gossip.

Anonymous said...

My calling card identifies me as a member of the National Geographic Society. I stole this idea from an Ernest Hemingway short story. It's opened countless doors for me!--Where I'm Calling From

jodi said...

Hi Babes, My mom used to set the 15 minute timer for use on our phone. With three teenagers in the house, and only one line, it was simply a must. I got around the rule by making my beaus call OFTEN! xoxo

Anonymous said...

I used to be a long-talker, especially when I worked for the Yankees!!!!--George Costanza