Remember Me On This Computer
I'm not contagious, the woman on the plane
said. I just had some face work done.
It's not healing like they said it would.
We talked during the flight, and I discovered
that she had carried a list of pallbearers
in her purse since she was twenty-one. I add
and delete all the time, she said. The vagaries
of the heart! The kind of detail you'd love,
I thought, remembering your pallbearers, one my
ex-husband, another an ex-boyfriend. The typo
on your funeral program, What A Fried We Have In Jesus
and how that would have made you laugh. How my dad
laid his hand on your casket and said Good-bye, old buddy
and then the sound of your casket being lowered
into the ground. There is no other sound like it.
In Memoriam, Hank D. Ballenger, March 18, 1970- February 28, 2002
Michelle's Spell of the Day
"I'm haunted by all the space/ I will live without you." Richard Brautigan
Cocktail Hour
Drinking martini video will be posted tomorrow!
Benedictions and Maledictions
Happy Saturday!
It is hard to go through that experience...having just endured my Grandmother's funeral, I do feel your pain. Miss them, be thankful you knew them...but don't forget the good things still around you, and the people that care about you...including us fans of yours out here in Blog-Land. :)
Hope your weekend is good...you take care.
-p.s.- need I say it, but nice picture. :)
Funerals are never fun,especially when it involves a loved one. Hank has sounded like a great friend to you, as seen from your past postings.May the memories of all the good times,shine through your heart eternally. R.I.P. Hank,we are all coming some day. Have a great weekend Michelle,catch you later.
Do you think that Trout Fishing in America Shorty sleeps with the fishes, Michelle?--Tony Soprano
Hi Michelle,
Thank you so much for sharing all your stories and memories of Hank through your blogging. Some of your best writings - in my opinion - have been the memories of him you've written down for us to read.
Take care
Kentucky Fried Jesus.
I have to say I've never given a thought to my pall bearers. Now suddenly I'm thinking of them and wondering who in the world I would get. Maybe I should just have myself cremated.
You're to short to be one of my pall bearers which is why science can do what they will with what ever I have no need of anymore.
I hope though that I have someone who loves me as much as you love Hank to keep me alive in the same sort of way.
Hi Honey, I think funerals are the most morbid, macabre thing our society insists on. At least we are seeing more closed caskets with pictures instead. Hank was lucky to have had you. xoxo
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