Sunday, September 27, 2009

Other People's Birthdays

In the spirt of my last post, I'd love to finish the weekend with this call and response -- favorite occasions or ways to spend time:

birthdays -- not my own, but I love other people's birthdays
Halloween -- candy, costumes, horror movies, haunted houses, no emotional stress holiday
Friday afternoons -- that I've got the whole weekend feeling
Detroit Coney with friends (Mark!)
KFC and champagne picnic -- idea stolen from Raymond Carver story
writing time when all the pistons are firing, not so much when I'm in that "Please God, give me any idea" mode
Pistons games in person or on television

Michelle's Spell of the Day
"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." - Anaïs Nin

Cocktail Hour
Drinking television suggestion: really loving Curb Your Enthusiasm this season

Benedictions and Maleditions
Happy Sunday! As for the pictures, yes, I am wearing a littel something for those who are looking -- shame, shame! Ha! Wanted to do something in homage to Sally Mann's Immediate Family, a great book of pictures. Thanks so much for all comments about your likes. I spend a lot of time in my head thinking about what I don't like and it's nice to take inventory of the good stuff now and then.


the walking man said...

Pondering, just thinking and listening to the thoughts and dialog within.

Not worrying about anything because I know that every situation will have the best possible outcome.

Questioning everything while not demanding an answer to anything.

Zoning out with the eyes and ears full but the mind completely quiet.

Being with people in their trouble and their good time.

Waking up breathing is a good thing to do too.

and finally

Just being able to let the days and nights unfold as they do and being comfortable in that unfolding.

Tim said...

I have to agree with you on other people's birthdays, definately more cause for celebration that my own. Also you hit it right with Halloween - no stress and lots of fun.
Sitting around a fire in the country at night has been something I look forward to a lot lately - very peaceful.
And then there are the - now rare -occassions when we decide the family just needs a night away from home so we spend the night in a hotel,relaxing, swimming and usually either ordering a pizza or going out someplace nice to eat.

chris said...

Good music by my young friend,Ryan Mcgarvey. Ice Cold beer,Crown royal special reserve. Reading all the blogs,some of you write.

Shame on me, Ha,Ha. Maried but not blind. You know all of the men's magazines ? Well I am the guy that only read the atricles . Want to buy some ocean front prpoerty in New Mexico ?

I hope you had a great weekend .

Whitenoise said...

nice photo :-)

After years of ignoring it, I've started to appreciate my own birthday- I never thought I would last this long and that's cause enough for celebration.

Charles Gramlich said...

Friday afternoons, ditto.

Lunch time everyday when I can get out of the office.

the promise of a new book I haven't started yet.

contemplating time for a nap.

The Professor said...

Halloween - it is three days after my birthday, as I kid I thought it was like some special annex of my birthday, also who doesn't like a holiday where you have the right to dress up and act like someone else all day.

Getting sushi with friends - two great things together

Picking apples in early fall - nature, sun and fresh fruit

Hiking a new trail - finding some a new place to lose myself

running the Crim in Flint - I love to see the city and the crowds always make me feel like Prefontaine

Anytime spent in the bookstore is a great (and expensive) occasion

Anonymous said...

Hey, I've run this pic through Photoshop 4 times in the last 2 hours and... never mind.


Scott said...


I do like other peoples' b-days,too. Friday afternoons don't do much for me these days, since I work every Saturday. :( Halloween, of course, is my favorite holiday.

Yeah, shame on me! :)

Heff said...

Holy Krap ! How did I miss this post ? I'm with Wil....