As a rule, I'm a slow writer. I don't mind this trait -- it gives me time to hone the sentences and really give stories the final touch. It gives me time to let things percolate. But lately I've been writing ten pages a day to finish a book. This can be done if you block out everything else in your life. Don't expect to wear cute outfits or go to fun places. Don't expect to be the life of the party or even marginally groomed. But even beyond these surface concerns, you're forced to plot faster which for me was a saving grace. I'm pretty good at turning a phrase, not so good at plot. From the time I started writing, I didn't understand I had to create tension (beyond internal) and conflict. Writing fast forced me to do this more effectively.
I'm in the final editing phase of How To Own and Operate A Haunted House. All the characters have come and visited me in my dreams over the last few days, as if saying goodbye. The main character told me she went to India and decided to stay. I don't know what this means as I've never been to India nor had any particular feelings about the place. But after two weeks of doing little else, I'm glad and sad to be finished. My friends are gone, to India and elsewhere apparently. I'm left to my own devices, which have never been all that effective.
Michelle's Spell of the Day
"I keep telling people, ignore the prison. But the prison is always there." Heidi Fleiss
Cocktail Hour
Really loved the season finale of Californication! Any opinions from those who have seen it?
Benedictions and Maledictions
Happy Monday!
Buckling down is the key! I knew you were probably going to say something like that. I was hoping for a magic formula.
Intersting about the character dreams. I have had those before, although never one who went to India.
I can't even imagine myself writing three pages a day; however, with the New Year fast approaching, I'm going to make a resolution: "Three pages a day." I've already started practicing a bit and have a title in mind: "Fingerprints & Manicures."
Dreams can be interesting and enlightening...or mysterious and baffling.
Who's Wolverine table is that you're so fetchingly draped over in that pic? :)
How 'bout one of them in your story going to The National...any dreams about that?
Hiya Sweets, You amaze me however you do it! Now, doll up, shine up, and get out there and party! xoxo
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