Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Detroit Lions Won?!

Feeling much better after a few days of coughing and fever. Hope everyone out there is well! Thanksgiving looms which is a good holiday, full of food and low expectations. Plus, the Detroit Lions won today (miracle!) and will play on Thanksgiving so we can all sit around and relax. And eat and drink. I once gained five pounds on Sees candy with my dear Bamms at Thanskgiving in lovely San Francisco. That Sees candy is the best! I'll be back with another novel excerpt tomorrow, my dears.

Happy Sunday!


JR's Thumbprints said...

Hope you're feeling better.

As for those Lions, I hope they're "blacked-out" on Thanksgiving Day.

chris said...

I hope you are over the cold junk,it is never any fun. Have a wonderfull Thanksgiving weekend.

Anonymous said...

An exciting battle over losers settled on the last play of the game.--Night Train Lane

the walking man said...

Even when fighting for the basement Detroit can't win.

Charles Gramlich said...

I saw thow the scores really piled up in the Detroit game though I didn't watch it. Watched the Saints go to 10 and 0.

Unknown said...

Oh, See's!
We'll miss you this Turkey Day, Lil Pebbs!!!
Glad you're feeling better.

jodi said...

Hi Doll, glad you are feeling better. It's always horrible to go into the holidays with anything less than our health. The process alone can ruin us. How 'bout those lions? xo