I love people who claim to know the future -- one of my favorite times at the Mind, Body, Spirit Festival was when I picked out a white dude in a Native American tribal outfit. The clincher -- he called himself One Feather. Indeed, he had one feather in his hand by which he claimed he could divine my next year. After asking my first and middle name, he said, "Michelle Marie, will you marry me?" I knew I had picked the head crackpot and was pleased with myself. I can, if nothing else, spot a good time.
One Feather told me that my mother was a literal snake charmer (spooky given her propensity for the evil creatures), and I was a metaphorical one. This gave me the confidence I needed to continue with my day. I can't remember what else he said. Unlike my friend Sharon, I always forget to brings tapes to record the prophecies and see if they are accurate. I guess I really don't go for that reason. The future will be whatever it will be, que sera sera. It's more for shoring up about the present, which, of course, is the hardest place to be. (Hence the need for a million different books on being present, staying present, loving the now, etc.) After our prophecies from One Feather, my buddy and I took off for a dinner at the Macaroni Grill where we examined all the options, so much of it bad for us, hard on the heart.
Michelle's Spell of the Day
"I do not know many survivors." James Baldwin
Cocktail Hour
Okay -- I LOVED Shannon Day's weekly astrology on Tarot.com. I was so unhappy to see her Skyvibe gone, replaced with someone else who is not near as fun. Please come back, Shannon! I need my weekend fun!
Benedictions and Maledictions
Happy Sunday!